Tshechus are grand events where entire communities come together to witness religious mask dances, receive blessings and socialize.. In addition to the mask dances tshechus also include  colorful Bhutanese dances and other forms of entertainment.

Two of the most popular Tshechus in the country are the Paro and Thimphu Tshechus in terms of participation and audience. Besides the locals many tourists from across the world are attracted to these unique, colorful and exciting displays of traditional culture.

How to Book Festival Tour?

Since Tsechus go on for few days and are celebrated widely in all the 20 Dzongkhags (districts) and geogs (sub-districts) at different dates, we encourage you to contact us with your specific requirement for perfect itinerary that suits your requirement and time. We can design your trip to Bhutan by focusing on one Tsechu and mixing it with other trips- hiking, cultural or bird-watching whichever you wish for. Therefore, we would be happy to discuss these plans with you.

Download the Tentative Festival Date – 2022  | Tentative Festival Date – 2023